Naioth House of Prayer

  • House of Glory 

  • House of Fire 

  • House of Mercy 

  • House of Grace 

  • House of Truth 

  • House of Mountains 

  • House of Power

The Lord has called Naioth by the following names:

Join us every Friday as we ascend the mountain of the Lord and experience Open Heavens, as the Lord has promised. Like the Garden of Eden, NHOP is at the interface between heaven and earth and the supernatural will happen naturally because the Lord has made NHOP the Headquarters of the Supernatural. 

Prayers For All Nations

Prayers For All Nations

Prayers for all Nations

Join us every first Friday of the month at 7PM ET (6PM CT), where we hold prayers for all nations. This is an intercessory platform where the burdens in the heart of God for the nations of the earth shall be borne. Incense shall be burnt on this platform until the mountain of the Lord’s house is established on the top of the mountains and is exalted above the hills, that all nations may stream to it (Isaiah 2:2-4).

Unveiling the Mind of Christ

Unveiling the Mind of Christ

Unveiling the Mind of Christ

Join us every second Friday of the month at 7PM ET (6PM CT), as we sit like Mary to learn at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a meeting where the Word of God shall be taught monthly until the light of the glorious gospel of our Lord shines and permeates the whole world and the people are taught the ways of God. God desires that we not only know the acts of His power at Naioth but that we know His ways. The ancient landmarks shall be built up, and the Lord Jesus shall be known as the Chief Cornerstone in His House.

Prophetic Prayer Meeting

Prophetic Prayer Meeting

Prophetic Prayer Meeting

On the third Friday of every month at 7PM ET (6PM CT), we hold prophetic prayer meetings where the Spirit of prophecy is resident, and the Lord speaks into His Church and the nations. The counsel of the Lord is revealed, the justice and judgments of God are declared, and the people of God are edified, exhorted, and comforted through the living oracles of God. At this meeting, new sounds from the presence of God are captured as psalms with wind and stringed instruments.

The prophetic prayer meetings are also held on the fifth Friday of a 5-Friday month.

Healing Streams of Heaven

Healing Streams of Heaven

Healing Streams of Heaven

Join us every fourth Friday of the month at 7PM ET (6PM CT) for the Healing Streams of Heaven. The Healing Streams of Heaven is a channel for the unleashing of the power of God into the earth. The mandate from the Lord is to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils (‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭8‬). The healing fountain of the Lord is resident to bring perfect healing to His people, including the healing of the spirit, soul, and body. The sick are healed, the lepers are cleansed, the dead are raised, devils are cast out, and the Lord is glorified.

Dream Interpretation: Prophetic Signs & Symbols

Dream Interpretation: Prophetic Signs & Symbols

Dream Interpretation: Prophetic Signs & Symbols

Visions and dreams are a spiritual language through which the Lord communicates with His people. God speaks in parables and the Spirit of God has made understanding available to His last day Church. Join us on the 3rd Monday of every month at Justice Prophetic Company for a Dream Interpretation session. We will be taking dream entries. Feel free to send in your dreams using the link below.

Please submit your dream entries by 6 PM CT on the Sunday before the Dream Interpretation session to ensure they are interpreted. Entries received after this deadline will be interpreted in the following month's session.